I want to explain why I do a monthly net worth update.
- Keep me accountable
- Track my journey
- Prove that anyone can become a millionaire
- Prove that FIRE works

Another month and I’m still inching my way closer to FIRE! Stay consistent and keep investing like it’s going out of style.

This month I made $6,532.

Expenses total right at $3,601.
This month I saved $4,810 which is right around a 54% savings rate. This is what I call winning!
- $2,310 ROTH TSP (401K)
- $2,200 VANGUARD Taxable Account
- $300 RV Principle (Not sure if I really consider this savings)
Net Worth: $280,883
That is a -$2,778 loss since last month’s net worth update for August was $283,661
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital. It also is showing my Oct 1st $4,000 paycheck so the net worth above is correct!

Final Thoughts
This month my wealth has been up and down. Yet to be honest I really don’t care. Hoping to hit that $300K mark by Jan 2021. If I hit $300K cool, if not I still have a shit ton of money! I’m starting to really shift my thinking when It comes to my wealth. I forget how rare it is for someone to have as much as I do in a liquid stash. I’m so used to looking at others in the FI/FIRE community who have a much bigger stash than me. I did see a slight drop in my net worth this month compared to last month. Yet It just means I bought more shares at a lower price. Watch this boost my wealth over the next year.
September was filled with beach days, lots of puppy time, and us just enjoying San Diego. We love just doing free things and exploring. I’m incredibly blessed to have such a loving, beautiful soul to share my life with.
No gym, weights, or fancy gear going on 8 months! I have not only lost weight I am stronger and have way better endurance. Follow my workouts here!

I’m looking forward to seeing what October brings to the table with my finances, fitness, and journey. My wife is super hot, smart, and has a cute butt.
Hopefully, you enjoy these updates and it inspires you to keep going!
Awesome progress. I use Coinbase too and recommend buying with Coinbase Pro because it’s cheaper than the regular Coinbase. I’m going to start tracking my net worth using Personal Capital as well. Congrats on the progress and you should hit $300k+ after earnings season!