Welcome to another week of Weekend Roundups. I started this post because I wanted to highlight all the great content writers in the community. I saw there was a gap in the community where only famous content creators would get shared out. I knew I had to fix that.
There are so many incredible content creators doing amazing things it’s hard to showcase them all!
I also do a content share thread every Thursday in my Barista And Coast FIRE group. Join us in some amazing FIRE discussions and check out other’s content.
I love showcasing other’s incredible work. Please let me know if you have any content I should check out or add to this post.

The 3 Reasons Why I Don’t Count My House in My Net Worth
by My Money Wizard
“At the end of the day, I am tracking my net worth not because I’m some twisted personal finance geek obsessed with watching numbers go up on a screen. (Hey, that joke hit a little too close to home…) No, I’m tracking my net worth because it’s a pretty good proxy for when I can reach financial independence and quit my job.”
Value Spending: How to Really Save Money
by Clipping Chains
“When there’s something that brings value to my life, I buy it*. For other expenses, I simply ask myself if this product or service will enhance my life or reduce some sort of pain. If the answer is no, I try to avoid the purchase or minimize the expense.”
25′ Short Bus Conversion | FINISHED
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