This is where I will talk about all the great Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts that are out there. I will pick a few of my favorite articles and podcasts that inspired me this week.
“One of the biggest things personal finance bloggers and authors talk about it is VTSAX. What is the deal with VTSAX? Is it so great? Why does everyone mention it? Does it have an ETF? How can I make wealth from it?”
Frugality and FIRE- The Ultimate Abundance Mindset
“Another essential part of the development of my frugality/abundance mindset was the process of planning for the future and realizing that more likely than not, there was plenty of time to get everything I want out of life. I didn’t need to have everything today. By making a few wise decisions about our spending today, we could have little to no money stress for many years to come. “
The mindset that’s changing my life
by Better Ideas