First I want to go over a few key points on why I want to do this monthly RV cost review.
- I have not found any Full-Time RV living cost break downs
- Keep me accountable
- Track my true RV costs
- Show others it might be an option to not only accelerate their FIRE journey but build a more intentional lifestyle.

True Costs
- RV Payment $209
- Truck Payment $0
- Paid the truck off
- RV Insurance Payment $0
- Paid for 12 months in November 2020.
- RV Registration $0
- Truck Insurance $0
- Truck Registration $0
- Campground Site $1,040
- Propane $0
- Gas $0
- Misc $950
- Bought a new lithium battery!
Monthly Total – $2,580
2021 Total – $6,267
Total To Date – $23,380
You can find a list of all the RV gear we love here. Let’s not forget our list of RV maintenance supplies here.
RV Lifestyle Thoughts

This month was a big month for the RV adventure! All four of my AGM batteries are bad. This was from not keeping them above 50% charged. With AGM batteries if they go below 50% it starts to destroy them. Eventually making them not hold a charge.
Decided even though I did not want to spend more money it was time to upgrade to lithium batteries for the solar setup. Lithium is more expensive than AGM. Yet to me are worth the money as they last longer, and can be taken down to 0%. They also charge faster than the AGM.
Now I wanted at least 200ah of battery for my system. But the lithium batteries I was looking at would be about $1,800 for that. It’s because I was looking at a popular brand. I started to do some research and found a few companies that get good reviews and are much more affordable. Mind you I am a big believer in paying for quality and not just the name. So I don’t like to cheap out either.
I decided to pull the trigger on a cheaper brand based on reviews. I picked up a 200ah battery for about $950. That was another plus to this company instead of having to buy 2 100ah batteries I was able to buy just one 200ah battery. Forgot to mention the AGM batteries were 75 pounds each and I had 4 so 300 pounds total. This new battery is only about 35 pounds. So a huge difference in weight and space in my RV cargo area.
Clean up wires in cargo(Basically done)- Maybe run wires from the roof through the ceiling
Clean up roof wiresInstall new 200-watt panel
In case you missed it here is last month’s breakdown. Keep on the journey and path!