I want to explain why I do a quarterly dividend update.
- Track how much dividends I make
- Prove that anyone can become a millionaire
- Prove that FIRE works
Dividend Investing
I’m by no means a Die Hard Dividend Investor. Yet my simple investing strategy does net me dividends that I just have reinvested to build me more dividends and wealth. It’s honestly the perfect cycle to Freedom. I have seen a few people track their dividends over the years and thought why the hell not? It sounds like it would be fun to see how these grow over the years.
The Break Down
Here is what funds and the dividends I have received from them.
Taxable Account Vanguard
- VFIAX $313
Roth IRA Vanguard
- VSIAX $99
- VGSLX $41
Total $453
The After Math
Well not to bad for literally doing nothing. Again I am not a big fan of investing based on a dividend. Now, what is great the more of these assets I buy the more the dividend grows, and in return the more assets it buys.
I love to focus on buying assets with average returns in the form of low-cost Index Funds
Now in quarter three, I will hope to see some dividends from some single stocks I plan to buy in quarter two. That’s right I am starting to go down the path of individual stocks. It will only be a handful and I don’t plan to put a lot of money into them. Just thought it would be fun to track. Also, check out my Monthly Net Worth Update.