She Was Right
This crisis hit us in March, my wife saw it coming. She was paying attention and following it for some time. She was warning how bad it was going to get. All around us people were ignoring the signs of what was about to unfold before us. I remember her saying we should stock up now on things before the stores get bad. I was at the time laughing saying it won’t get that bad here trust me. We prepared for COVID-19 living in an RV.
I could not have been more wrong.
My wife is from Paris France and her family still lives there. So as she talked to them on what was unfolding there she understood what would eventually happen here. I’m glad I ended up listening to her and stocking up on things. My wife says she’s always right the truth is she is too smart for her own good lol. So yes she is always right and super cute!
The Plan Set To Action
We went to a Trader Joe’s, Costco, Dollar Store, Commissary on base, and El Super for all of our needs. We did not get anything we don’t typically buy as we just wanted to stock up on our staple things. We knew things would probably get stocked again but didn’t want to deal with what we knew was coming. Which are people going crazy and buying tons of stuff more than they need and to be honest the other side of people not stocking up so lines would always be super long? Even now it’s April and lines are still long as heck every day to get in a store.
- Meat
- Veggies
- cheese
- Beer
- Wine
- Energy Drinks
- Tooth Paste
We actually had about 3-4 weeks of food in our RV after these trips. Crazy I know but we were able to fit that much in our RV. I think this is due to us eating pretty smartly. We don’t eat huge portions and we completely use everything we buy and almost never let food go to waste or throw anything away. We already had a good supply of other things like soap, canned goods, rice, and pasta.
Living in an RV can make this crisis a little bit more tricky for us due to limited storage space.
The biggest thing was making sure we had a good supply of Trader Joe’s beer because I really enjoy it and less than $6 for a six-pack. Also, I buy energy drinks at the Dollar Store. While some may say it’s not good for me the truth is I’m trying to cut back on them but buying them for $1 each is a sweet hack. Not buying them at all is even a sweeter hack I’m working on.
The Struggle
The hardest part has been I still go to work every day. So I have to make sure I don’t bring home the virus to infect my wife. That and we still are nervous that we could get kicked out of this RV park and any moment. It’s been an issue that has been on my mind. Seeing we got kicked out of our last RV park with literally less than a day’s notice. Mind you this was a military park on a Navy base.
On the other hand, It’s nice we can use the public bathrooms here and showers. Did someone say free toilet paper! Honestly, it’s nice not worrying about if a store will have toilet paper or not. It seems like the one item everyone went crazy for.
Lastly, we could probably not have asked for a better spot to be at in all of this. We are on Coronado Island paying $1,200 a month for everything. While all the beaches are now closed in San Diego. We still have a private beach here that we walk daily. It’s incredibly nice to have it and it helps me clear my mind most days. Plus the dogs love playing on the beach!
Also check out what I did with my COVID-19 Stimulus Check here.