February is coming to a close so it’s that time of the month for my monthly net worth update!
I want to explain why I do a monthly net worth update.
- Keep me accountable
- Track my journey
- Prove that anyone can become a millionaire
- Prove that FIRE works
February is my third month of full-time RV living! Wow, this month flew by. I just tried to enjoy more moments this month. I also started to learn to play guitar thanks to my wife!
This month I made $5,451. I sold some stuff and took a few items back.

Expenses total right at $1,116. The graph below is wrong due to one of the RV sites I stay at is still pending a refund. So that is right our expenses for two people and two Great Danes in a little over $1,100 to live in San Diego. Talk about Fucking Amazing!!

This month I saved $6,510 which is right around an 84% savings rate. Fucking Amazing saving rate!
- $1,200 Savings (planning to invest this in my taxable account)
- $2,310 ROTH TSP (401K)
- $3,000 Taxable Account
Net Worth: $219,774
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital.
That is a -$6,388 loss since last month’s net worth update for January was $226,162.

Final Thoughts
I had a huge fucking saving rate this month! Yet I still saw a nice reduction in my net worth. You know what that is life for you. I can’t control the market, no one can. I also can’t time the market and if I think I could it would be statistical suicide. What I can control is my spending and my savings rate. This month we did a hell of a job doing that. The RV life is started to pan out with huge financial success. Not only just financial but it gives us so much more freedom and flexibility than most people have. For the last few days, we have lived 100% off-grid camping for $17 a day here in sunny San Diego.
I have started to try to get back into my hobbies and picked up learning guitar this month. While it is hard I honestly really like the challenge of learning a new skill and the peace it gives me when playing.