I want to explain why I do a monthly net worth update.
- Keep me accountable
- Track my journey
- Prove that anyone can become a millionaire
- Prove that FIRE works

Another month and I’m still inching my way closer to FIRE! Stay consistent and keep investing like it’s going out of style.

This month I made $5,801.

Expenses total right at $2,305. The cost for our RV spot in Aug did no hit my account yet.
This month was another crazy month. I saved $4,811, nothing fancy, and one of my lowest saving rates. That is right around a 63% savings rate.
- $1,811 TSP
- $1,000 Cash Savings
- $2,000 Taxable
Checkout CC hacking it saves me a ton of money!
Side Hustle
Side Hustle Income: $0
This month I had no side hustle money. I also am now earning interest in my BlockFI crypto account. Not sure if I count that as a side hustle though.
Net Worth: $468,692
That is a +$28,163 gain since last month’s net worth update for July was $440,529.
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital.

I love using Personal Capital to track my Wealth.

Final Thoughts
A $28K+ month for my wealth domination. I keep seeing people try to argue and tell me I should do stock trading, start a business or get into real estate to build wealth. Yet here I am closing in on half a million dollars of liquid assets that I can pull at any time.
BlockFI is what I use to optimize my crypto accounts to build more wealth.
It’s crazy to me how many people I will teach finances to for free and yet they still never take any action. Yet will complain about how expensive life is, how it’s so hard to get ahead, how the system is stacked against them, and so on. Yet none of that is true. The reality is they just have other priorities and distractions getting in the way. They are their own worse enemy and it’s expensive to fake a status to others in the world.
I will see these people take the cutest professional instagrammable pictures and post them all over. Everyone will like them and say what a perfect family they are and how good the have it. Yet here I am talking to them about how they had to sell an investment to pay for a babysitter and a shopping spree they deserved!
I get to see the honest real life that people don’t post for everyone to like and comment on. Because the truth is most people are so broke from trying to make others believe their life is perfect that they are one check away from being homeless. It’s sad, and pisses me off. Because I know many people like this. Yet here I am able to teach them how to build a solid foundation.
It’s true that most people will never get ahead or retire early not because they can’t. Instead they get caught up in wanting to project an image of success, the idea that if I buy this or have this it means I made it. Yet I’m told that I’m the crazy one that must be miserable in life.
If I never made another penny with my current investments I could live for about the next 20 years with never having to work. That means I would not have to find full-time employment until I was 56. Now If I was flexible and was ok with working some side-hustles part-time and living an alternative lifestyle I would be able to never have to work full-time employment again.
A few easy ways to do this would be moving to a low cost of living country or simply traveling full-time country to country in a slow travel method. If here in the states I would live a quality life for very cheaply doing the nomad lifestyle here in ether a RV or I would consider even a SUV.
But at the end of the day you just got to keep on keeping on! Before I know it I will be closing in on the $600K mark.
For the purpose of this blog, I only show my portfolio and don’t show our combined portfolio. I’ll leave it at we are doing very well and way above average. Which makes going to work that much harder every day! But my plan is to pull the RE card in the summer of 2024.
August really flew by for me. I have come to some pretty big issues with my career lately. Another issue this month was I put in for vacation time to go to France with my wife to visit family. I have over 70 days of vacation time on the books. My comand denied me to take the leave and travel to France!
This is reason 101 of why I can’t wait to FIRE! Seriously this is why everyone should pursue FI and ultimately it will give you more options. For me I’m stuck because I am under contract. But at least I know less than 3 more years of this political bull shit.
I’m in very good shape and don’t ever go to the gym or lift weights. I only do functional bodyweight training and calisthenics. I have recently thrown around the idea of doing an ultra marathon just for fun to see if I can. Right now I can run about 13-14 miles straight with no distance training. Most people would say start with a marathon but what the hell. I like to challenge my body even at 36 years old to show everyone what an amazing machine it is.
For those of you that have been following my Net Worth Updates can probably skip the rest of this post.
Barista and Coast FIRE group.
I have created a FIRE group for Barista and Coast FIRE people. I saw there was a gap in the community and these paths seem like the more enjoyable path. So I said, “why the hell not take on this as a passion project?”
One of my desires this year is to really get and build more community! Here is the Barista and Coast FIRE group HERE.
Join us in our no judgement FIRE group

No gym, weights, or fancy gear for over a year! I’m literally slaying this fitness routine. It’s Fun, Simple, and Works. I’m literally gaining flexibility, strength, endurance it’s incredible. Mind you this is with me having multiple injuries from the Marine Corps. I have learned I never needed that gym anyway.
On top of that, I have started to cultivate a Facebook Fitness group where anyone is welcome to come to join us. I set Bootcamp challenges to get everyone motivated and active.
Do you have a fitness goal for 2021?
- Get stronger
- Lose stubborn body fat
- Get a more defined six-pack
- Be more active without being judged
Join my FREE no judgment fitness FB group HERE. The goal is to build a community and help positively impact your health for FREE.

Hopefully, you enjoy these updates and it inspires you to keep going!