This is where I will talk about all the great Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts that are out there. I will pick a few of my favorite articles and podcasts that inspired me this week.

5 Reasons to Invest in Index Funds
“So, when we think of an index fund delivering average market returns, it seems underwhelming. But average is an unassuming term in this circumstance. When the great majority of funds do not beat the market – the market average is king! Therefore, higher performance counts as another reason to invest in index funds.”
15 Easy Ways You Can Save Money On Food This Year
“While I love food and trying new restaurants, it’s important to find ways to save money on food. Food is one of the top life expenses you’ll have (besides transportation and housing).”
“Instead, the key is understanding the one or two actions that actually lead to results and implementing those actions consistently over the course of months or years.”
Financial Independence UK: My plan for early retirement at 35
by Panda Boss – Personal Finance & Bossing Life
Excited to be included in this intensive list of retirement and financial independence resources on the web! Thanks for including me!