This is where I will talk about all the great Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts that are out there. I will pick a few of my favorite articles and podcasts that inspired me this week.
“Most importantly, income from SEO follows compound growth. Most of the articles that I write on any given day won’t earn a dime of income for 3-6 months, but once they do start earning income they can continue to do so for years to come without my help.”
What it Means to Have $100000 in Savings
by We Want Guac
“Having $100000 in savings means I have roughly four years’ worth of spending money at my disposal if need be. If I choose to restructure my lifestyle to spend even less, that money stretches even further to cover half a decade.”
“As we all know, fear is one of the strongest motivators. Hence, we usually don’t get paralyzed by it but motivated to get busy preparing ourselves to pull through the dark times ahead. Bulk shopping before hurricanes, toilet paper shopping in 2020 and to preparing for a blizzard – winter is coming – is part of our DNA.”
The OFFICIAL Full RV Nomads Movie
by RV Nomads