September is now coming to a close so it’s that time of the month for my monthly net worth update! This month was full of spending and some saving in there. I just graduated my first military school and will be soon on to my second one.
Explored more of DC over this month.
Even went to the Marine Corps Museum.
Got the opportunity to tour HMX-1. (the squadron responsible for the transportation of the President of the United States, Vice President, Heads of States, DOD Officials and other VIPs as directed by the Marine Corps and White House Military Office.)
This month I made $2,962 after my contributions to my 401K.
Expenses total right at $2,216. Wow, I have no idea how this month I only spent $2,216! I literally spent so much money this month. I spent a lot of money on food and military items. I bought a few pairs of shoes for training. Lastly, I even spent two night in downtown DC at a nice little penny.
This month I saved $3,138 which is right around a 63% savings rate. Now, as you can see above I spent a ton of money this month. So while I did hit a high savings rate I also spent a good chunk of change this month. It’s all good though and I will be seeing a nice reimbursement for this course in the next few months of around $2,900.
- $1,888 Traditional 401K
- $1,000 Taxable Account
- $150 Travel Fund
- $100 Mad Money
Net Worth: $128,035
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital.
That is a +$3,123 gain since last month net worth update for August was $124,912
(the top of the graph says $129,890 but that includes my paycheck for Oct 1st. Did not get a snapshot before I got paid as I was on the road driving from VA to MS. September 27ths number reflects my accurate numbers for this post.)
Final Thoughts
What a crazy month but it’s over. I finished my first course which was the Force Fitness Instructor Course (FFIC). I am now about to leave in a few days to my next course which is Drill Instructor school for basically three months. I will eventually see a nice payout for the FFI course I just attended. Overall this month kind of canceled itself out. What I mean is I saved a good chunk of money but spend more than what I saved. Luckily most of my money is invested in the stock market so that really helped me out this month. So because of that my net worth only went up by about what I saved. Still can’t complain about my stash growing!
Life has been stressful, to say the least. Yet I would not have it any other way. I love the growth and building resiliency from the journey I take. I have always said and truly believe the harder road typically pays out more long-term dividends. I love doing what most others refuse to consider to achieve what most others only dream about. I’m excited to see what adventures if any I can do in October. Also looking forward to the challenge of Drill Instructor school.