I have noticed that even though I do a monthly RV cost summary I rarely write about RV life. I really want to dive more into it to help others decide if it’s right for them. Most of the content I find about RV life frames it in such a way it makes it seem perfect. Always the perfect sunset with the perfect backdrop. You never see these people show you them working on the RV, cleaning, it breaking down, and the hundred other realities of RV life.
RV Living Hacks
Living full-time in my RV for two years I have learned a thing or two. I have learned a lot through my mistakes and the day-to-day curve balls RV living will throw at you. We all know there are a hundred different ways to do different things. By no means am I saying my way is the right way. Shit, my way might not even be the best way. If you have a better way please comment and share it. This is just the best way I have found that works for me.
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Trial, error, sweat, tears, and sometimes even a little blood is how I have learned many things in life. RV life is no different. I never realized how important being handy would be living in an RV. Because this is my home if I can’t fix it and have to take it to a shop I have to find another place to live. Rarely do you ever hear or read that when you are researching RV life.
My hacks are different unique ways I have found to do things on my RV that save time, money, and energy.
More Living
By utilizing these hacks you can do more living and less wasted time on the small things. I guess you could also pay someone to do these things as well. Sometimes I even would agree that is the right path to take. Most of the time for the cost I rather fix or do it myself. RV shops will rob you blind like no other shop I have seen. That is because there or not many RV shops, so they don’t have to compete for customers.
I also love learning new skills in life. I have become very handy since moving into my RV. I still have lots to learn though and still make plenty of mistakes along the way.

RV Roof
Cleaning your RV roof is more important than you might think. When you are up there you should not just be cleaning. This is a great time to make sure there are no holes, tears, or anything odd. If you catch things early on you can patch them before they become a nightmare to fix.
RVs are made of wood inside and even a little hole on the roof will allow water to get in and rot the wood. Trust me I have replaced rotted wood and it is not fun.
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One good thing about cleaning the roof is you can get a nice suntan like me! A nice part of living in sunny San Diego in the RV.