First I want to go over a few key points on why I want to do this monthly cost review.
- I have not found any Full-Time RV living cost break downs
- Keep me accountable
- Track my true RV costs
- Show others it might be an option to not only accelerate their FIRE journey but build a more intentional lifestyle.

True Costs
- RV Payment $209 (also put $300 toward the principle)
- Truck Payment $89
- RV Insurance Payment $0
- No insurance costs because I paid for the next 12 months in December’s update.
- Truck Insurance $0
- No insurance costs because I paid for the next 6 months in June’s update.
- Truck Registration $309
- Have I said how much I hate CA? So it was $309 to register my truck for another 12 months.
- Campground Site $1,680
- This covered two sites and a few weeks in October.
- Propane $0
- Gas $0
- Misc $0
Total – $2,287
You can find a list of all the RV gear we love here. Let’s not forget our list of RV maintenance supplies here.
RV Lifestyle Thoughts
I feel like September flew by! Costs were a little up with last month due to paying a bit ahead for our spot in October. We also did buy a few things for the RV yet they did not cost us anything because we had a credit on Amazon. Bought a badass propane firepit, 6-gallon water jug, and a couple of pieces for our solar setup. The firepit was a want and so far I love it. No mess because it’s propane and easy to put away. The 6-gallon water jug was a luxury need lol. When we boondock we fill the clean water tank by jugs. having a 6-gallon jug saves us from having to do so many trips.
I’m starting to focus on getting rid of even more stuff! I know crazy how can we live in an RV and get rid of more stuff? Well, I have kept holding onto some “sentimental items” from my career in the Marines. I decided to finally start to go through some of these items and trash or donate them. As they are just sitting in a box taking up space. I have really thought hard about this issue. What should I hold onto and what to get rid of in life…
My plans are now to only keep things that bring me joy and that I love or would use and get again. Why have old pictures, stuff, going away gifts just sit there taking up space if I don’t use them? So now if it takes up space in the RV I want to use it or enjoy it. Still have more to go through and get rid of but it is a process.
In case you missed it here is last month’s break down. Keep on the journey and path!