March I saw a huge drop in my net worth. Again this has not phased me one bit. Instead of letting something I can’t control affect me I went out exploring.
I try to only focus on things that I can control. I can’t control how my investments can do. I can only control my savings rate. So I just keep on doing the old boring index investing buy and hold strategy.
This month I made $4,404 after my contributions to my 401K. Sold some car parts as well!
Expenses total right at $2,451. Nothing fancy going on here. This is one of my higher expense months, or so I hope. I had my 6-month renters and car insurance due this month.
So It’s month four of the sinking funds coming back. I’m keeping it simple with one for travel and one for vehicle costs. This month I saved $3,144 which is right around a 56% savings rate.
- $1,133 Traditional 401K
- $2,011 Money Market
Net Worth: $102,978
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital.
That is a -$1,274 loss since last month net worth update for February was $104,252
Notice the Net Worth is lower than my graphs. This is due to the fact that I got paid early for April and did not get a chance to screenshot my Net Worth before.
Final Thoughts
Well even though I have had a nice drop in my net worth I’m still ahead in life. I finally got approved for Drill Instructor Duty. So I was able to reenlist for four more years. Once I graduate the school I get a $20K bonus that will be going straight to the taxable account! I am learning more and more to only spend time on the things I can control in my life. It’s a waste of time to worry and spend time on things I can not control. Instead, I like to spend my time on passions and things that bring me long-term joy. Like getting out and exploring nature, teaching, helping others and working out. I have taken $5.5K out of my $15.5K EF and maxed out my Roth IRA for the year. For now, keeping the EF at $10K. Now my priority is to max my TSP (401K) at $18.5K. If I can accomplish this goal it would be the first time ever I’d max both retirement accounts.
Congrats on the saving and what you can control!
Thank you it’s a work in progress!
Yes, congrats!
Thank you!
LOL, that is the common thing to do in the military at least with everyone I have worked with. I was really considering using it to buy a camper and truck and try full-time camper living. Decided I will wait a bit longer to pull that trigger until I am closer to my FI number.