I want to explain why I do a monthly net worth update.
- Keep me accountable
- Track my journey
- Prove that anyone can become a millionaire
- Prove that FIRE works

Another month and I’m still inching my way closer to FIRE! Stay consistent and keep investing like it’s going out of style.

This month I made $5,369.

Expenses total right at $1,097.
This month I saved $4,992 which is right around a 77% savings rate. This is what I call winning!
- $2,310 ROTH TSP (401K)
- $993 Money Market Account
Net Worth: $258,793
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital.
That is a +$20,177 gain since last month’s net worth update for June was $238,616

Final Thoughts
Lately, time just seems to be flashing by me. I don’t know if it’s because I am getting older or just the fact that I have been crazy busy with life in general. On top of that, the market has been going crazy for months now. I am finally at new high marks as far as my liquid net worth goes. I’m inching my way to that $300,000 mark! It feels so good to have this much liquid assets…
It has changed my life in so many impactful ways. I have the ability to take on more risk at work and in life. I have been able to take harder choices in my career and in life. I recently made a pretty tuff choice in my career that needed to be made for my health. I might write a post on this it would surprise people just how we in the military are treated. Well…
July was an incredible month for us. I got to spend some time at the beach with my wife and Great Danes. We got out and explored, did a few nice runs in parks, ate some great food for FREE with CC Hacking.
I love where we live and the life we get to have. Some people think we are crazy and must not be happy because we spend less than $30,000 living in San Diego. But I think we live an incredible life that keeps becoming more fulfilling as we grow as a family.
I have had a good month with my fitness even though I suffer from chronic pain from the good old Marine Corps and our medical system seems to care very little about actually helping me get better. I did end up taking about 7 days off due to a lot going on in my life at work and at home. But I am back into it now and still have yet to step back into a gym. I’m really loving how easy it is to get into amazing functional fit shape with just my body and the great outdoors. I like to vary my workouts by hitting some muscle building days and other cardio days. The cardio days I typically do interval sprints or longer distance nice pace runs. It’s hard to beat working out for free and getting in great shape at the same time. Also have been really working on my yoga and core strength.

Well I’m looking forward to see what August brings to the table. I’m sure there will be new hurdles to jump new things to tackle and I will try my best to deal with it all as best as I can. It’s ok to fail… This is something I am trying to learn and really get better at. Giving myself room and the ok to fail and adjust in life as things get hectic.
Hopefully you enjoy these updates and it inspires you to keep going!
It’s been years since I could pull off a decent Crow pose!!! Nice job.
Congrats on your progress. You’re doing amazing things!
Thank you I love getting back into Yoga.
Wow, what an amazing net worth gain!! Mine has been an underwhelming +$600 this month due to market drops – but I don’t mind as this means I can put more money to work at a reasonable price!
Even if it’s not perfectly accurate, I love your net worth graph because you can see how it fluctuates over time and there are down’s as well as up’s, but overall the trend is decidedly upwards.
I wonder about the savings rate though: if you only spent $1100 and saved almost $5000, how do you get a 61% savings rate? It would seem much higher at first glance, no?
In any case, amazing job, well done!
Yeah, I need to fix the savings rate on the post for some reason my math skills on that one where off lol. Good catch on that Kat! Yeah the gains this month are crazy due to the stock market.
Ah ok, glad that it was a mistake and I wasn’t just confused!
Well done – you must be invested differently to me because I had stock market losses this month. As I said, great opportunity to buy low though.