January is coming to a close so it’s that time of the month for my monthly net worth update!
I want to explain why I do a monthly net worth update.
- Keep me accountable
- Track my journey
- Prove that anyone can become a millionaire
- Prove that FIRE works
January is my second month of full-time RV living! Wow, this month flew by. We ended up doing a nice adventure with the RV. We went to three different locations. It was a great experience to not only get away but see how everything would go with traveling with the RV. We went to some hot springs, Slab City and Joshua Tree.
This month I made $6,091. I sold some stuff and took a few items back.

Expenses total right at $2,529. This is a bit higher than last month. This month I had to register my 2006 XB, and decided to buy a few addons to the RV and bought a new fitness watch! Now let’s be honest here $2,529 for expenses in an “HCOL” city like San Diego is not much at all. That’s about $30K a year. Yet most of this month’s spending was in big-ticket wants and not really needs or normal spending. Lastly, some of this spending is for our current RV site that we paid till Feb 16th.

This month I saved $3,224 which is right around a 45% savings rate. Not bad especially seeing I paid for my site till mid-Feb this month.
- $2,200 Savings (planning to invest this in my taxable account)
- $1,024 TSP (401K)
Net Worth: $226,162
This is where it gets a little sticky now. My net worth posted on Personal Capital in the sleek graph below is wrong. Still, have some of that crypto that would not link to Personal Capital.
That is a +$7,563 gain since last month’s net worth update for December was $218,599.

Final Thoughts
January has been an interesting month for me. I had a good vacation but also one hell of a time at work this month. I also have had the most incredible opportunity to be with my partner and share our journey together. I have some big pay raises coming up that will put a Blaze to my FIRE journey! Be different and crush your goals. I have noticed the more I don’t do what others do the more amazing my journey has become.