The Moment
My wife and I were walking around our RV park the other day walking the dogs and looking at everyone’s setups. Looking to see what RV they have and how they pull it. We started talking about how some of the people had very Instagrammable setups. One couple had a big toy hauler RV with a porch, motorcycle, cool jeep, and a big truck.
Another couple had a big toy hauler with a huge F-450 truck and a little hatchback car. I looked up the setup of this couple and to my surprise, the toy hauler and the truck alone cost about $300K on the low end.
What I have come to realize after so many years is don’t live an Instagrammable lifestyle.
It’s Probably Too Perfect
Often when we see these people’s lives it’s captured in moments by a photo. A photo that mind you was not taken once. It was taken several times and staged to be and look like the perfect moment. Imagine how stressful it is to keep up such high appearances. Your whole energy and focus are how many likes you have and how perfect your life looks to the outside world.
There is no such thing as a perfect life. If it looks too perfect it probably is.
Self Esteem
I always like to say comparison is the theft of joy. Trying to have an Instagrammable life sounds stressful. Looking at others’ Instagrammable life and comparing it to yours has serious negative effects on your life. It will never lead you to a fulfilling, happy intentional life.
Social media sites make more than half of users feel inadequate, according to a survey of 1,500 people by disability charity Scope, and half of 18- to 34-year-olds say it makes them feel unattractive.
A 2016 study by researchers at Penn State University suggested that viewing other people’s selfies lowered self-esteem, because users compare themselves to photos of people looking their happiest. Research from the University of Strathclyde, Ohio University and University of Iowa also found that women compare themselves negatively to selfies of other women.
There have been numerous studies done that all point to the same outcomes. By comparing ourselves to those perfect Instagram people and their lives we are more likely going to feel worse about ourselves and worse about our lives. We will feel inadequate and that our lives are less successful in comparison.

The Pivot
I used to feel this way as well and would also want to live an Instagrammable life. Instagrammable lives are addictive they have nice clothes, watches, the perfect cars, and houses, and go to the most amazing places for vacations. Yet I realized none of it brought me any kind of fulfillment in my life.
I was ultimately chasing the wrong thing in life and focused on the wrong stuff. I felt like at that moment I was the Winter Soldier ready to kick ass.
After this lightbulb moment and journey, I started to dig deep into myself and find out what I value who I am, and what direction I want to go in life. Let me tell you that self-reflection is incredibly hard for me and I am sure it is hard for everyone. Yet I think it is so crucial to get on the right path to a fulfilling, happy intentional life.
Savings Rate On FIRE!
After this point in my life, my savings rate started to skyrocket. I was spending less on things to look Instagrammable and was more focused on my Financial Freedom! I’m now able to hit a +50% plus savings rate every month even living in an HCOL location like San Diego. I dare you to look at your spending and ask yourself “Do I get value out of all of this stuff?”. I bet the answer would be no.
By hitting a high savings rate every month I am not pinching pennies. I am buying my Independence. I rather have the independence to choose how and why I spend my time versus having to go to work because I have to earn money. While I am buying my independence I am also living a fantastic lifestyle. Full of adventures, fun, passion, and lazy days.
By applying simple financial principles I was able to build over a $350,000 portfolio. Check out M1 Finance as I love them and so will you.
Trying To Keep An Image Will Keep You Broke
Who would have thought that trying to look perfect on social media and impress others would have such a huge negative effect on your finances? In today’s society, I think it’s impossible to stay away from social media, yet I think we can use it in the right way to bring a positive influence.
So many people I know still live an Instagrammable life. These people typically message me every few months asking how to get out of debt, invest, buy stocks, get rich, get better with money, and so on. We will talk for a while I will give them actionable steps… Then a few months later same story different day.
They seem to be looking for either a magical wand that can make their debt disappear or more so looking for me to validate their bad financial habits. Like somehow it would be ok to have a $30K car and yet you have a negative net worth as long as David our buddy who is good with money says it’s ok. This mindset rarely gets you ahead in life and the reality is you end up trapped in a bad cycle of seeking validation on social media through likes and comments by spending money you don’t have to impress people you don’t know and frankly don’t like.
Want to get on the right financial path? Use Personal Capital as it helps you lock in your budget and up your cash flow.
Live life
It’s time to take back your life and live it on your terms. I like the idea of stealth wealth or letting your results do the talking. Don’t follow the mindless crowds that spend money to get validation. Most importantly don’t live an Instagrammable life.
Instead, live a life that you enjoy, that brings you fulfillment, that is not perfect, that is messy at times, that has freedom, flexibility and that is intentional.

There are too many beautiful things to see and experience in this world. Be more in the moment and less about making them perfect. Life is not meant to be perfect and it never will be.
Instead, live a life that you enjoy, that brings you fulfillment, that is not perfect, that is messy at times, that has freedom, flexibility and that is intentional.
Enjoy your imperfect journey with all of the flaws and mess!